Meet the Natural Momma

wpid-photogrid_1398407434763.jpgA Natural Hair Wearer, The Wife of One Man, A Mother to One Son and One Daughter, Professional Counselor to some, Friend to many, A Sister, A Daughter, Truth Seeker and God Believer, That’s ME!!

March 17th 2012 my life changed completely for the best, my beautiful  son was born and I felt a love that I never thought I could feel. However, this new journey would also come with some bumps, hurdles and falls. Then just as I thought I was beginning to get a handle on things my miracle, my surprise blessing and lovely daughter was born on August 14th 2013, and bumps, hurdles and falls returned, but I got back up again and I’m living to tell about it and to talk about it; hence one of the primary reasons for this blog.

There was no book, no report, seminars, other people’s stories, etc. that could have prepared me for what was to come from conception, to pregnancy, to my traumatic labor & delivery with my son, to my successful VBAC with my daughter and finally the first few days, weeks, & months of being a first time mother and doing it again 17 mths. later.

To sum it up, I am the voice of those of us that have a far from perfect pregnancy, a ‘not so simple pushed out our baby in a minute’ delivery, a challenging time with breastfeeding even with lactation consultants, mother’s milk teas, and oatmeal. A voice for those of us with a far from perfect baby who sleeps through the night from the first day they come home from the hospital, a baby who doesn’t cry, but smiles during diaper and clothing changes and certainly a voice for those of us with a baby who doesn’t stick to the schedule! I am also speaking for women who are aspiring to be healthy whether it’s wearing their hair naturally as I do, following a vegetarian diet,etc. and still managing to be a devoted wife, a loving mother, confident woman and oh yea, still have your sanity and peace of mind. SO IF YOU’RE A PERFECT WOMAN, WIFE AND/OR MOTHER, THEN THIS SITE IS NOT FOR YOU!

I promise, pledge, to myself and to you to be open and not disgust you with TMI, lol;), to be open to what you have to say and respect your right to your opinion as you respect mine. Expect only honesty and real talk on this site, because that’s what I needed and I believe you will need it as well. So fasten your seatbelts and let’s take this ride on this journey called life!


2 thoughts on “Meet the Natural Momma

  1. Thank you for having the courage to openly share your life in order to make the unknown a little more familiar to those of us who are just beginning our journey or thinking about beginning the journey of motherhood! 🙂 Love you NaturalMomma! You are Superwoman!, naturally!


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